Athletic Therapy & Recovery


Performance Recovery

We bring the exceptional benefits of IV infusion therapy and muscle recovery right to your event. With our expertly crafted treatments and personalized approach, we are dedicated to enhancing your well-being and helping you reach optimal health.

Benefits of IV therapy include - Ultimate Rehydration, Electrolyte Balance, Faster Recovery, Reduced Fatigue and Reduced Muscle Soreness. And because we are able to bypass the digestive system and pump nutrients straight into the blood stream, you will feel an immediate improvement.

Benefits of TheraGun Therapy include - Increased Circulation, Muscle Recovery and Relaxation, Pain Relief, Stress Reduction and Enhanced Performance.

Achieve remarkable results right at the finish line of your event. Our licensed medical staff is ready to help you PR your life!

Visit us at the finish line after every stage.

Medicine in Motion

We’re a sports medicine service providing medical care to athletes, performers, and entertainers at various sporting and athletic events worldwide. Medicine in Motion was founded with the belief that all athletes and performers deserve the best quality health care when participating in any event.

This care will be "first come, first served"—so make sure to stop by the Medicine in Motion tent at the finish line. Greg and his expert team are dedicated to addressing your unique needs, from blister management to muscle soreness relief. Their invaluable experience can make the difference between a challenging run and a triumphant finish.

Elevated Legs

Athletic Compression System Featuring a patent pending gel liner with Hot/Cold therapy for the ultimate recovery system. Visit our friends from Elevated Legs daily at the finish line!

Photo above: Brian Stevens
Photo below:
James Brown